Sunday, June 05, 2005

Life as a lazy college student, worker, person, etc

I was really suprised at how much work was assigned the first week of college. I know this is the summer semester and it's only 10 weeks but if the work load stays like this, I won't have time to do anything, ever again (until I graduate). When I first went to college after my time in the Army, I was a full time student and didn't have this much work. Because of work and school I kind of let my housework slide and so today I'm trying to get caught up. How can one person dirty a house up so much? I've got more junk than a family of 4.

I've got some math homework, and a program to write and I am done (for this week). My study/work habits must have really went down hill over the last few years. I'll get good and started and with the attention of a goldfish, oh look Xplay is on. After a 30 minute break, I get back at it and in the back of my mind I'm thinking "I need to check my email", so I have to read thru my mail and respond, oh and don't forget to check NewsGator and DAMMIT 3 hours have passed.

I blame Bellsouth. Plain and simple. I live 1 mile from the largest school in the county and I cannot get DSL. It takes SOOOO much time to do what normally takes 30 minutes tops at work.


Anonymous said...

I am so glad that when I was in school, the Web wasn't as advanced as it is now. I would be having the same problems you do...I can barely cook a full meal without checking my email!

Wes said...

I blame the media! I got to have someone to blame.