Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Where's my Captain's Wafers?

Now that I got my tech info out this morning, I thought I'd post a thought.

First off, I am not a breakfast person. I'll take my mug of espresso and go until lunch, however this morning I found myself a little peckish. Usaually when this happens I'll go to the vending machine and buy a pack of the grilled cheese flavored Captain's Wafers. When I got to the machine, I almost punched in E1 for my crackers and I had to look twice. They were not there! In a panic of having to choose something different I searched the "cracker row" and wait a minute the crackers are gone! They moved the crackers two rows up. Whew, good at least I can have my Captain's Wafers. Here the problem I have. The "E" row was already too high to have crackers on to begin with, now two rows up, my crackers have to freefall that much more. I think the vending machine company knows that this will crush the bottom two crackers in the pack and they do this intentionally....Damn them!


Anonymous said...

Dude...you've got breakast issues...serious breakfast issues!

Wes said...

Nothing is better for breakfast than a cup of espresso