Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Preemptive stopping must be banned!

Preemptive stoppers - People who, as they get closer to a green light feel the need to slow down to a crawl, just in case it might skip the yellow light and suddenly turn red. Damn these people.


Angie said...

My dad does that and it drives me crazy!! I try to never ever be in a car with him driving!

Sar said...

Preemtive stopping - so that's what it's called! Yep, annoying to say the least.

M. said...

Haha...I always make the decision that "If it's not yellow by the time I get to *x spot* I won't stop." I HATE it when the person in front of me slows before I hit my spot!

Anonymous said...

I really think people should have to retake the driver's test every five years...the written part at least.