Wednesday, November 09, 2005

360's to move fast

Get them while you can!

Microsoft's newest media child, the Xbox 360, is expected to be no lightweight, at least according to MS predictions. They are expecting to off from 2.75 to 3 Million of the next gen console within the first 90 days of its release. The buck doesn't stop there, as MS also expects consumers will not only gobble that up but much more.

”Lee also said he expects consumers to spend $1.5 billion in the first 90 days after the Xbox 360's launch on the console and peripherals such as games and subscriptions to its Xbox Live online gameplay service.”

Retailing between $299 and $399 depending on what model is purchased, it isn't a lightweight in the pocket book either, but that aside Microsoft clearly has high hopes for the console. Before June 2006, they expect upwards of 5.5 Million sold, with new consoles being provided to retailers at a steady pace, rather than the current industry trend of large, bulk shipments, far and few in between.

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