Thursday, August 18, 2005

How strange

On my way to work this morning I was driving down the interstate and I could have sworn I saw Jay and Silent Bob walking on the opposite side of the road. Black clothes, ball caps, and even "Silent Bob" was wearing a trenchcoat.

I may have been hallucinating but it sure looked like them.
Sent wirelessly via BlackBerry from T-Mobile.

1 comment:

sub-xero said...

Heh, good blog, wonder why no one comments... guess the 'cam community is way over-rated right about now. Allow me to introduce myself, if you dont know of me already - I'm Neurocam's resident arsonist Sub-Xero.

My motto - burn Neurocam down at the foundations, then let it panic and crumble.

Not many bloggers share my dreams but whaddyagonnado? I have a no care no trouble attitude.

Hows you goin? enjoying your 'cam career?