Thursday, May 26, 2005

I'm Blogging This!

I really do like that phrase, "I'm blogging this", because if someone pisses you off, instead of jump kicking them to the ground and monkey stomping them until blood comes out of there ears (which by the way, if you have never seen a full grown man monkey stomp, it is hillarious), I can now take out my frustrations here. And I mean it to! If someone does me wrong, I will now hold in the monkey inside of me, look them square in the eye and say "I'm blogging this!". It works the other way too just as well, if I was happy with a particular movie or someone just treated me nice and I want to share it with everyone, I will smile and say "I'm blogging this."

After an hour and half late start to my date last night things went pretty well. We went out to eat and sat and talked the whole time. That's a first, I hate those akward long silences when you go out. We talked about everything, until I used the word animosity, and I guess I stumped her with a five syllable word. So with a confused look on her face I (being the quick thinker) decided to dumb it down a little with a three syllable word and said "enmity" a suitable synonym I feel. Still faced with the deer in the headlights look I quickly decided again to dumb it down a little more and said "some anger", and YES we are back on track.

Am I being unfair? I thought my vocabulary was very lacking. To be honest I don't think those words are uncommon. Anyway, so we got through that little speed bump and the rest of the night went really well. I was very pleased that the entire time we wear eating and talking her cell phone didn't ring. I was worried I would have to take turns talking to her. We need to go on a another date just like last night's. Just dinner, talk, get to know one another kind of night. All-in-all it was a good night.

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