Friday, May 06, 2005

Can Blogging be bad for you?

Actually, I find it to be somewhat of a release. Nobody wants to here me go on and on about the little things (like work) that just piss me off to the core. We all have our on problems and worries and quite frankly, if I was someone else trying to listen to me bitch and moan about work, I really wouldn't give a #%@ less. However I was reading the newest issue of business week about how blogs are changing the face of mainstream media and the internet itself. Now the opinions of the people are no longer expressed by the media. Now we all have a voice, which leads to my point about blogging being bad for you. Take for examlpe the case of Heather Armstrong. Heather was fired from her job because of her own personal blog. The word "Dooced" , was suddenly introduced into our modern vocabulary. It means to lose one’s job because of one’s website. I recommend if you get some time, read her blog where she outlines the postings that led to her being fired. Is it fair for one's personal website or blog to be held against them? It really poses a good debate.

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