Saturday, May 28, 2005

Good Morning

Ever since I was a child, I have loved Saturday mornings. Of course when I was a kid Saturday morning cartoons had a lot to do with that. Nevertheless I always woke up looking forward to the time between 7:00-11:00 am. It was a time when I could escape and be somebody else, pretend to be a superhero, or GI Joe, or Transformer. Nowadays I still look very forward to Saturday mornings, but my method has changed as I've gotten older . I make a fresh pot of Hurricane Espresso, flip on the telly to see a bit of the news, go to my office and connect to the internet, and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. By the time I'm done the coffee is made and my email is ready. I throw on my robe and put on some good relaxing music and dive headfirst into the wolrd via this PC. This is such a peaceful time for me. Reading my mail, news, feeds, and stories of freinds, I escape the world I'm living in and I feel as though I am somehow inside the internet and I find myself lost in stories and news for hours. It usually takes me finishing off a cup of coffee to come back and realize where I am at. So I return to the coffee pot

Now with a fresh cup by my side again I go back to the computer with the anticipation of a child getting to take another turn on a carnival ride. I have my own Saturday morning cartoons these days, they come in the form of humerous videos and great flash sites. So by the time 11:00 am comes around, I have taken in more information and news than I get to the rest of week. So I walk away looking foward to the next Saturday morning and ready to go and play "Life".

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