Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Deeper in the rabbit hole

After making a few changes to my blog, my intention is to get more people interested in Neurocam. There are several unanswered questions I have, but I feel driven to investigate this further. It seems there are 3 types of people when you talk about neurocam. Those that have followed the rabbit hole and is activly involved as operatives, those (like me) who are growing more and more interested in it and is seeking the truth (with one leg in the rabbit hole), and those that do nothing but bash the idea of some clandestine organization (trying to close the rabbit hole) . Has anyone ever heard of the Freemasons or the Illuminati? These two organizations have been around for centuries and to this day, no one can really explain either one. Sure, everybody has theories as to what the groups have done or do.

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