Sunday, September 11, 2005


Taken from *~*FIRE*~*

the prison for which I've encased myself
to safe keep my heart from break

the distance between making a move and staying put
the difference between taking a chance and letting it ride
the opposite of joy and happiness
the synonym of death.

the hell we ourselves create
to safe guard against shit we don't even know about.
fearing the darkness
when sometimes it's the light that's the evil
fearing the closeness
when our hears and core of our beings long to be close
and that longing so strong that it suffocates
strangling all that was meant to be shared
making it become stale
and stiff with anticipation
because there's hope the cycle will end.



Anonymous said...

That's Hot!!!

Anonymous said...

The aloneness of loneliness is the hardest to bear. Surround yourself with good thoughts to fend off those moments when it seems easier to succumb to the pain. This too shall pass.