Saturday, December 10, 2005

BAD Angus

I woke up this morning to find Angus in my stash. The little Fecking Eejit was all langers (drunk you idiots)

Well I guess we all have been there before. Waking up in a strange place surrounded by beer bottles, with a weird fucking hat on. Ok so I may be all alone there, but dammit at least I admit it!

It reminds me of the time (times) I would start out partying in the barracks and then just realize that I'm sitting on someones porch chatting away still drinking, then awake to find myself in a strange _______ (fill in the blank, Bed, Car, Ditch).

Ahh, good times.


Lex said...

Aww where did he score the hat.

I noticed the rats all seem to be a bunch of lushes?

Give him a good slap for me.

Anonymous said...

You don't comment me anymore...

::crawls in corner and cries::
