Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Namco settles Pac-Man music suit against Sony
Namco America, a Namco Ltd subsidiary, said the song at issue was "Game Over" from the album "U Gotta Feel Me," by Sony BMG recording artist Lil' Flip, a rapper hailing from Houston.
Pioneer Releases BluRay Burner
Computer Virus my ass
Damn Katrina....Damn her to HELL
The wind damage is pretty bad around here. Many trees were down and the road is littered with debris. We were lucky though. Maybe the rest of those who were victims of her wrath, can get back on there feet.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Hacker taps into US military database
Now another alleged hacker would appear to be in trouble for cracking into a US military database – one that contained social security numbers and other personal information for 33,000 Air Force officers and some enlisted staff.
Social security numbers, birth dates and other information was accessed some time in May or June, apparently by someone with the password to the air force computer system.
"We are doing everything we can to catch and prosecute those responsible," Maj Gen Tony Przybyslawski said.
Atari sells Humongous to Infogrames for $10.3 mll
The deal between Atari, the publisher of "Driv3r" and "Dragon Ball Z," and Infogrames came about one month after the resignation of Atari board member Thomas Mitchell, who left amid concerns that the two publicly traded companies were too closely tied.
Infogrames owns about 52 percent of Atari, and Bruno Bonnell serves as chief executive and chairman of both companies.
Atari said the Humongous assets consist primarily of intellectual property, existing inventory and license rights. Some $2 million of the purchase price represents prepayment of future costs that Atari will incur from platform royalty advances, manufacturing costs and milestone payments, it said. Atari also said it has been granted exclusive distribution rights for Humongous products in the United States, Canada and Mexico through at least March 2006.
Friday, August 26, 2005
Just so you know
Doom Trailer
Xbox 360 The Omega - $1999.69
Hitachi releases first terabyte DVD recorder
EB Games price Xbox 360 bundle over $699
Microsoft Remixed
Microsoft remixed
1980's Commercials!

Here, and only here, you can download, watch, and save all your favorite commercials from the 80s, ranging in topic from action figures to breakfast cereal to public service announcements starring Pat Sajak. The Clapper? It's here. Masters of the Universe?
I had all of these toys at one time. Man I wish I still had them all. I still have my thundercat guy (the one that bear hugged people), somewhere in a box. Check out these classic commercials.
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Halo: The Movie, coming soon...
Read more..... (Reuters)
New machine allows soldiers to hurdle buildings
New Scientist magazine said on Wednesday the operator would shoot a rope attached to a grappling hook to the top of the building and then attach the rope to a harness-like device which hauls them up.
It said one battery charge would be sufficient to climb 250 metres -- the equivalent of five times the height of the Statue of Liberty.
Quoin International, the Nevada-based company that developed the device for the Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, said on its Web site the solid fuel military version was designed for hostage rescue and urban warfare. However, the battery-powered civilian version had been designed with commercial applications such as building repair, logging or window washing in mind.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
The tale of the little two
Buddha and I were sitting in math class tonight and the teacher asked the students what we thought the answer was. Buddha said x squared but the answer was 2x so I said there you go putting your little 2 in the wrong place again. At this point I started to lose it. I started laughing and said you know what happens when you go sticking your little two in the wrong place (talking about his wife being pregnant), and without missing a beat, Buddha says "yeah, you multiply!" I was crying trying to hold back the laughter and keep from drawing more attention to myself.
Maybe you just had to be there, but damn it was funny!
Thrown to the wolves
Without hesitation I have hit the ground running this morning. A co-worker was unexpectedly hospitalized early yesterday so I took her pace and worked a little late yesterday. Today will be the same. It's going to be a busy week for sure. I think the training was a clever way for management to confuse me.
All is well, just busy.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
It's always sunny in Philadelphia
Why have I not heard of this show sooner? I guess I haven't been paying much attention to the TV lately. I was sitting on the couch reading a magazine, and I saw an ad for Rescue Me on FX.
I love that show and I lost track of the season. It was good to watch it again and then this comedy comes out of no where and I am laughing my ass off. If you get a chance, you have to check it out.
Sent wirelessly via BlackBerry from T-Mobile.
One day
One day my generation will rule this world. No really, it's an age thing. My generation will eventually be the one to control the government.
It may not be for the better, but it sure will be a lot more fun!
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Lord give me patience
I signed up for a 7:30PM class thinking it was at 5. Oh well it's too late now. The bad part is, the class is a new class required for my major (computer networking) called Intro to the information super highway. Imagine my frustrations. Maybe the instructor will just assign the work and not make those of us who can properly operate a mouse sit through the pain of hearing him teach the illiterate.
One more day to go and I am done with my so called training. Tomorrow is my first day of actually doing my job and 2 people are going to be out of the office, so the workload will be huge. What a way to get started.
Lord, give me patience.
Sent wirelessly via BlackBerry from T-Mobile.
Malicious gamer arrested for stealing, auctioning virtual bounty
Read more..... (PC Magazine UK)
Monday, August 22, 2005
Case of the Mondays
Not wanting to get out of bed is normal for me, but this morning my body refused to get up on time. I wasn't late to work despite an overturned truck blocking my way on the highway.
I had a great night last night. I made dinner for Kim and I (yes I cooked). We had chicken and sausage tuscano with sweet corn and steamed broccoli accompanied with a bottle of the vino. I even had baked a homemade apple pie.
I was actually surprised dinner turned out so well.
After dinner we sat and talked for a while and watched some videos. It was a nice quiet evening and I thoroughly enjoyed her company.
College starts back tonight, so it's back to high gear for a while
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Consoles Will Rule!
A Tale Of Three Consoles
Violent video games make children aggressive
Commenting on it Dr Sameer Parekh, Psychologist, Max Healthcare told FE: "No violence can have a healthy effect on children. It makes children less inhibited and desensitised to violence. It also leads to a distortion of reality wherein they tend to justify violence."
NEC to Offer Water-Cooled Desktop PCs
Welsh students can be hackers
"The introduction of this specialist qualification broadens the scope of our existing IT education programme," said Andrew Blyth, principal lecturer at the university's school of computing. "The theoretical and practical elements of the programme will provide students with transferable skills which are of tangible benefit in the industry."
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Two Dogs
1. Buddington English Ale (England)
2. Warshteiner Dunkel (German)
3. Negro Modelo (Mexico)
4. Guinness Extra Stout (Ireland)
For the most part we all agreed that the Buddington lacked that certain someting. (I think it was too weak).
The Watshteiner was great but Steve and Johnny preferred the Negro W/Lime to it.
For me......There is no other beer that could compare to Guinness Extra Stout. I love the bold rich filling taste of it.
We decided to have "Import Night" once a month and try all of the beers from around the world, we will also include any Micro Breweries that we come along.
Friday, August 19, 2005
NES Controller TV Remote

Ever wanted to control your TV with an old school Nintendo controller? Controlling the basic functions of a TV through a NES pad would be awesome
Find out how
Hacking Hotel PPV
Read the article...
Thursday, August 18, 2005
How strange
On my way to work this morning I was driving down the interstate and I could have sworn I saw Jay and Silent Bob walking on the opposite side of the road. Black clothes, ball caps, and even "Silent Bob" was wearing a trenchcoat.
I may have been hallucinating but it sure looked like them.
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Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Fiona has been freed! And it turns out she was holding herself hostage this whole time. According to a press release on her website, seductively eccentric piano thrush Fiona Apple will FINALLY release her third full-length, Extraordinary Machine, on October 4 on Epic. As everybody and her mom knows by now, an early version of the album has been floating around on file-sharing networks for eons, with rumors that evil label execs were keeping the collection of quirky post-cabaret ditties locked in the vaults because they weren’t commercial enough. Not so! Apparently, Apple just hadn’t finished the record-until now. The Extraordinary Machine you’re going to have to pay for (at least until somebody leaks it, too) will feature just two of the tracks us pirates are familiar with, alongside new recordings of nine of the previously leaked songs, and one new tune, "Parting Gift". And lookee here, you can listen to "Parting Gift", as well as the rejiggered version of "O’ Sailor" on Apple’s website and Myspace page. iTunes will begin selling the two tracks together as one of them "bundle" things tomorrow, with other online music stores hawking them separately.
The new Extraordinary Machine was produced by Mike Elizondo, whose name you might recognize from the credits on various Dr. Dre-related records. (Fiona goes gangsta!) Soundtrack superstar/Kanye-friend Jon Brion helmed the leaked version, but the official album will sound "radically different," Elizondo told the New York Times. "Everything was done from scratch."
* Fiona Apple: http://www.fiona-apple.com
Logitech launches keyboard with integrated display
According to the manufacturer the MX 5000 keyboard also can turn a PC into a Bluetooth wireless hub, as it supports Bluetooth 2.0 EDR wireless technology. As you may imagine, the extra equipment isn't free and commands a premium over typical keyboards. Logitech said the MX5000 will be available in October for about $150.
Microsoft enables streaming between PC and Xbox 360
According to Microsoft, WMC2 connects the Xbox 360 to home PCs as well as online services such as Napster and Yahoo and allows streaming of digital content, including images, music and video. PlaysForSure verified digital media receivers such as those from Roku and D-Link are supported as well, the company said.
Xbox 360 Price Packages

Ok so I am a little behind on the world of tech, but with my limited time, I did manage to find some in depth detail between the $299 and $399 Xbox 360 packages.
The Core sytem ($299) will consist of just that the Xbox 360 console, Controller, Faceplate, and Standard AV Cable.
The premium edition ($399), distinguished by signature metallic detailing on the console itself comes fully loaded for the ultimate gaming experience, with components and accessories that would cost more than $200 if sold separately:Xbox 360 console, Xbox 360 Hard Drive (20 GB). 20 GB and detachable, Wireless Controller, Faceplate, Headset, Component HD-AV Cable, Xbox Live Silver membership, and A bonus Media Remote
Check it out!!

I finally had a little time to check NewsGator and I had over 400 items in there. It has taken me SOOOO long to go through them. I was just going to delete them but I just couldn't (what if I was to miss something). Having dial up internet service should qualify me for a disability claim! I feel like a retard staring at the screen waiting for shit to load. DSL is like 2 miles down the road.....COME ON BELLSOUTH!!!
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
What do you think?
Just to clarify
I've been getting a lot of responses to my last posting. I'm fine. Maybe I've just been a little stressed the last few days. With the new job, classes coming up and juggling my so called personal life, I get to worrying about things.
I can't help it, I get the worrying from my dad. All in all things are actually going pretty well. I think I am progressing with the new job. There is more to learn than I expected, but its worth busting my ass and learning all I can. The training ends next Wednesday, then I am on my own.
As far as my personal life goes, well I'm just taking it as it comes and maybe all goes well.
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I wonder
I have to admit that I am not sure where I am standing at the moment. Every day is different, but with an obvious pattern emerging. I know last month was incredible, this month however, has seem to come to a halt. Progress has seem to have slowed and very suddenly I wonder if things have changed without me knowing.
It's strange how one can think you've got it all figured out and then the tables turn and I'm left standing confused and discouraged. What role does a nice guy have in this world? Are we destined to spend our lives in a constant state of back and forth.
I hate to seem stereotypical, but do nice guys truly finish last? It certainly seems that way.
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Sunday, August 14, 2005
Out of the loop
The new job is going pretty good and classes start back on the 22nd. I'm only taking 2 classes this semester so I hope this lightens the load a little. I managed to pass all my classes last semester, but I really had to bust my ass.
Everything else is going pretty good too. Just taking it one day at a time right now.
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Training for a new job is about as exciting as watching paint dry. Not to mention watching some of my co-workers operate a computer is like watching a monkey do a math problem.
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Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Home Sweet Home
My schedule is all messed up, I have been thinking it is Monday all day long, but that just means the weekend is sneaking up on me.
I won't be blogging near as much, but I'll try to keep it going in the evenings. One of these days I'll have DSL (DAMN YOU BELLSOUTH!), so really trying to post about stuff here at home is a pain.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Leaving on a jet plane
Finally, I am on board a descent plane this one is a big one. I am tired and ready to see my kimbo.
I have spent the last 3 hours in a bar with a bunch of off the wall people wanting to know "My story". I say "funk that". Just leave me alone and let me sit in peace.
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Damn Damn Damn
My flight was cancelled. The next flight doesn't leave for another 4 hours. Guess I'll walk around for a while and maybe take a nap.
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Back to Alabama
What a rushed trip this has been. I'm at the Houston airport waiting for my flight home and its coming a flood. I hope my flight doesn't get delayed.
It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to be at work first thing in the morning.
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Monday, August 08, 2005
Change of heart
Ok after receiving my company credit card, checking in to the Hilton, and realizing as I sit on the terrace drinking my rum and coke, that there is a P.F. Chang's and a huge mall right across the street, this might not be such a bad trip after all.
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Short trip
I'm in Houston and spent most of the day sitting around the office. I'm waiting to get to the hotel. I might have spent 2 hours training today and I am only going to have about 4 hours tomorrow, then its back on a flight home and straight to work Wednesday morning.
This weekend is the Marc Broussard concert in Nashville. I am so looking forward to that. This is not proving to be a fun trip and there isn't much to take pictures of. So I will be glad to get home.
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Sitting in the airport
So much for the increased security. I made it here 2 hours early just to make it through security and be on time. I just walked right thru and now I have to sit here and wait.
I'll post later. Time for a smoke.
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Saturday, August 06, 2005
Decisions Decisions
Saturday, a day to catch up on the house work, relax and watch a couple of movies. I'm trying to get my stuff packed for my trip to Houston and I have realized that my business attire has become VERY casual. Now I am having to pull out the nice clothes to wear and I can't decide what to bring. I think I will worry about that tomorrow.
Kim and I are going down to Bham tonight to hang out with some friends at a kareoke bar. This should make for an interesting night. I will be blogging via the crackberry for a while but I will return to the blogosphere when I get back from Houston.
Sent wirelessly via BlackBerry from T-Mobile.
Friday, August 05, 2005
A few random topics
2. SD cards. Personally, SD cards are my choice for media. Very small, inexpensive and the capacities are growing larger every day. It seems that the cell phone industry is reluctant to use SD cards for storage because of their size. This I do not understand, how much room is need to house a standard SD card. When switching to some of the smaller medias such as XD, Mini SD and some of the newer micro version, the cost really starts going through the roof. If cell phone companies started using standard SD cards for storage it would really unlock a lot of features.
Currently you can purchase a 1GB SD card for $53* from Tiger Direct.
3. College books. Why can I go to Books a Million and buy a 700 page how to book on anything for like $20 but a 200 page paperback textbook for a college can cost as much as $150 dollars. It's bad enough that tuition is sky high and the only way I could afford to go to college in the first place was to spend a few years with Uncle Sam. They are ripping us off...BIGTIME!!!
Thursday, August 04, 2005
In The Rough
Check it out
Sony Ericsson Plans On Location-aware Phones
Location-Aware Cellphone Patent [US Patent Office via New Scientist via Textually]
Atari faces delisting from Nasdaq
Faceplate Contest Winners!

Major Nelson had a custom faceplate contest for the Xbox 360. This is an awesome design! No wonder it won 1st place.
Check out the rest of the submittals
Firefly Grenade Camera

Firefly is a disposable camera that is shaped to fit your standard M203 grenade launchers. Load this thing into a grenade launcher and shoot it wherever surveillance needs to be done. During flight the Firefly captures recon pictures and sends them back to a PDA before hitting the ground and exploding.
This is a great idea, really! If an Infantry man needs to see whats over the next ridgeline or whats to pinpoint an expolosion, just shoot this bad boy over with your 203 and you get and instant feed back to your field pac (military PDA)
Story VIA Defensetech
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Life with Bro
Bro lives in my house. He doesn't haunt or anything he just floats around and lives mostly in the corner. I've seen him around the house over the last couple of years and I was telling Blaze about him. Of course he called BS on it and didn't believe me, until one day we were sitting on the couch watching a movie and I saw Bro (who at the time was unnamed) zip across the living room. I didn't say anything intentionally to see if Blaze saw him too. Blaze said "ok man I saw it, I believe you".
Now if you haven't already guessed it, Bro is an orb, a spherical light that moves about idependently. Blaze suggested we name him Bro (orb spelled backwards) and so he was named. Blaze has seen him a couple of times since we named him. So I know I am not crazy. I can't explain what it is but people say it is just light coming in through the window, but Bro has been seen all over the house, so that theory doesn't work.
Come to think about it, I haven't seen Bro in a few months. I wonder if he moved out? I bet he did and he must have took some socks with him too!
4 GB SD Card!
$500 bucks for a card the size of a postage stamp....DAMN! Don't get me wrong, I would love to have one SD card for everything, but when you can buy a 1 GB for around $80 bucks, I think I'll stick with that.
Memory Stick Duo only media for PS3
Imagine that, Sony making things more difficult. I see where they are going with this but to me, the more proprietary a system is, the less likely I am to support it.
Apple's Mighty Mouse

In the beginning, there was one button. Then there were two. Then there were clickable scroll wheels and programmable toggles and solid-state slides. But nobody made a mouse as easy to use as your Mac. Until now. Mighty Mouse combines the capability of a multibutton mouse with Apple’s signature top-shell design for the best of both form and function. Use it any way you work: Stick with single-button simplicity or click with multibutton efficiency.
Borrowing from Xerox, Apple was probably the most influential company in bringing the common mouse to the desktop. Years later they are still innovating, or at least trying to do such with style. The so-called "Mighty Mouse" is an OS X and Windows compatible device, and therefore of course includes multi-button functionality.
What's that in the center? It isn't quite a scrollwheel and isn't quite a trackball. It's a 360-degree scrollball that is designed to let you scroll in any direction. I'm not too much of a fan of Apple hardware, but this sure does look sleek.
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Microsoft mulling HD-DVD in future Xbox 360 revisions
However, no further details about the company's plans with regard to the next-generation DVD standard have emerged to support the claim - so it all still rests on Gates' comment, which was reported a month ago.
Xbox 360 price leaked claim
EA to drop Brando's voice for Godfather game
Monday, August 01, 2005
Hack cracks Microsoft antipiracy check
Read the story
A New Hobby

Before I decided to join the Army, I was going to persue a career in digital imaging and photography. I have always loved black and white photos and after taking this picture I realized that my "photo eyes" have came back to me. I think I will have this picture framed and add it to my living room (I have nothing but B&W art in there anyway). I see so many opportunities around me for great photos and I usually pass them by, but I think I'll start capturing these moments and begin building a collection.
Best Month Ever!
I have done so much this month, it's hard for me to recap it all. From Partying at the lake over the 4th, the Collective Soul concert, the lake house for a week, my trip to Louisiana, Kim coming home, the plane ride, the Rodney Carrington show, my new job, and finally the white water rafting trip and mini-vacation to Chattanooga.
Kim and I left Saturday morning with some friends of mine up to the Ocoee river for some white water rafting. I am getting the pictures devleloped today so I will have them up as soon as possible. We had a great time, the weather was perfect and we had the coolest guide. I will have to go back there again someday. After the trip on the river, we headed to Chattanooga. We checked into our hotel and relaxed a while. Everything was pretty packed but we found a nice Japanese resturant called Seksui (I think). After dinner we walked back to the hotel, popped open a nice bottle of Vouvray and sat out on the terrace and talked.
The next morning after breakfast, we went to the TN Aquarium. I have been there 3 other times but they have opened many new exhibits. I have already posted some pics of the aquarium. It was really amazing. We had a great time there. After that we stopped in a Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream Shoppe and had a treat. Then we went to the Imax theater and watched Wild Safari. After the movie we headed home and made it back around 5:30. It was a wonderful weekend and I couldn't be happier. What a great way to end the month.
Talk Digger lets you see who's linking to you
This is really cool. Take a look at it, I am going to add this site to my links section.
Talk Digger
New Minox camera is 8.1 megapixels

The Minox DC 8111 is the latest compact camera to break 8.1 megapixels. Wrapped in a shiny aluminium body, it has a 2.5 inch LCD, 3x optical zoom, and 5.1 digital zoom. Along with automatic settings, it packs an impressive array of manual controls for a compact, such as freely selectable aperture and shutter speeds, as well as four different kinds of flash. No word on pricing or availability yet, though here’s hoping it’s affordable, and that it’ll be out soon.
The Minox DC 8111
Wireless wallets?
Check it out...
Record year for gaming industry??
The gaming sector saw overall sales hit more than $4.1 billion for the January-June period compared with $3.4 billion in first-half 2004, driven by the fast-expanding portable gaming market and software sales gains, NPD said Thursday
Read the story
WiFi pistol appears at Defcon
Check it out...